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Dear Cris,
I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you, but I think I did meet Rick last summer right before IGLA. I joined Tsunami’s lasts July, and I’ve been swept up every since them by the beauty of the team’s spirit and genuine affection for one another.
This phenomenal group exists today in no small measure due to Rick’s leadership and work with the team. As a result of Rick’s efforts, I am abler to be part of an athletic team for the first time in my life. I am able to give my best, try my hardest, sand not be ridiculed or beaten or harassed. Instead, I am surrounded by encouragement and laughter and a true sense of camaraderie. You have no idea how important this is to me and how much I attribute this to Rick’s work and dedication on behalf of Tsunami. It is his legacy, one which many more gay people will treasure and enjoy in the years ahead.
My heartfelt condolences to you, Cris. Thank you for being Rick’s partner.
Most sincerely,